Nag Hammadi biblioteka
The Nag Hammadi Library Codex Index
Kai kurių tekstų originalai prienami
Codex I (The Jung Codex)
keisti- Apaštalo Pauliaus malda, The Prayer of the Apostle Paul
- The Apocryphon of James:
- (Williams translation)
- (Cameron translation)
- The Gospel of Truth:
- (Grant translation)
- (Attridge & MacRae translation)
- Traktatas apie prisikėlimą, The Treatise on the Resurrection
- The Tripartite Tractate
Codex II
keisti- Jono Apokrifas,
- Tomo evangelija, P.Račiaus vertimas, T.Girdzijausko redakcija.
- Tomo evangelija T.Girdzijausko nuolat tobulinamas atviras tekstas.
- Tomo evangelija be įvado, be filtro
- Tomo evangelija be įvado, filtruota
- Gospel of Thomas Patterson & Meyer translation
- Евангелие от Фомы
- Gospel of Thomas Lambdin translation
- Gospel of Thomas Grondin interlinear translation,
- Tomo evangelija Vikipedijoje
- Pilypo evangelija. , T.Girdzijausko vertimas. Gospel of Philip
- Archontų hipostazė. The Hypostasis of the Archons
- Apie pasaulio pradžią. On the Origin of the World
- Sielos aiškinimas, The Exegesis on the Soul
- Tomo Kovotojo knyga, The Book of Thomas the Contender
Codex III
keisti- The Apocryphon of John* (short version)
- The Gospel of the Egyptians*
- Eugnostos the Blessed*
- The Sophia of Jesus Christ
- The Dialogue of the Savior
Codex IV
keisti- The Apocryphon of John* (long version)
- The Gospel of the Egyptians*
Codex V
keisti- Eugnostos the Blessed
- The Apocalypse of Paul
- The (First) Apocalypse of James
- Antrasis Apreiškimas Jokūbui, The (Second) Apocalypse of James
- The Apocalypse of Adam
Codex VI
keisti- Petro ir 12 apaštalų darbai,
- Griaustinis tobulas protas, The Thunder, Perfect Mind
- Tikrasis mokymas, Authoritative Teaching
- The Concept of Our Great Power
- Plato, Republic 588A-589B
- Aštuonetas ir Devynetas,
- Dėkojimo malda,
- Asclepius 21-29
Codex VII
keisti- The Paraphrase of Shem
- The Second Treatise of the Great Seth
- The Apocalypse of Peter
- The Teachings of Silvanus
- The Three Steles of Seth
Codex VIII
keisti- Zostrianos
- The Letter of Peter to Philip
Codex IX
keisti- Melchizedek
- The Thought of Norea
- Tiesos liudijimas The Testimony of Truth
Codex X
keisti- Marsanes
Codex XI
keisti- The Interpretation of Knowledge. Originalo teksto dalis BooksGoogle
- A Valentinian Exposition
- On the Anointing
- On the Baptism A
- On the Baptism B
- On the Eucharist A
- On the Eucharist B
- Allogenes
- Hypsiphrone
Codex XII
keisti- Seksto sentencijos,
- The Gospel of Truth:
- (Grant translation)
- (Attridge & MacRae translation)
- (fragments)
Codex XIII
keisti- Trimorfinė protenoja,
- On the Origin of the World*
keisti- NHC indekso originalas
- Gnostiškoji biblioteka iš Nag Hammadi
- The Sentences of Sextus By Henry Chadwick
- Nag Hammadi Codex I (the Jung Codex): Notes By Harold W. Attridge
- Nag Hammadi codex II, 2-7: together with XIII, 2*, Brit. Lib. Or ..., Volume 20 By Bentley Layton
- Nag Hammadi Codex VII, Volume 7 By Birger Albert Pearson, Frederik Wisse
- The Facsimile Edition of the Nag Hammadi Codices, Volume 8 By Brill Academic Publishers
- Nag Hammadi codices IX and X